Allan, you're right, that could only be possible in those places. If we look at Colombia, get a cell phone on the street is not very safe for the risks to be get robbed.
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Texting and walking made illegal
Instruction. Texting and walking made illegal
02.07.2012 11:55FORUM
Mechatronics Enginer -Texting and walking made illegal Leer más: Crea tu propia web gratis:
Briner ramirez | 22.02.2013
Mechatronics eng.
Humberto Lopez | 22.02.2013
I disagree with all you, in the case that a person is texting and walking and these person has chamaleon eyes then no problem but as it isn't true, then I agree with you.
The truth, I think that everyone is responsable the your own life and if one wants to is walking and texting at time then he is responsible for what happen. Now this is not the only problem also the insecurity, you could be stolen by a thief. The cellphones aren't the problem, the problem are we, we used to give wrong use to the tecnology
make a prohibition is not necessary, penalized to the companies that sold this technology But it is not a solution either. could carry out small campaigns, however how I was saying, one is responsible the our own actions
Mechatronics-Texting and walking made illegal
in my opinion, i think that it's a good idea to give a fine to the people that while walking they are sending texting because the people learn that it's very dangerous and besides i think that laws are to be fulfilled in anywhere country not only in USA and united kingdom too in our country because if the colombians had us this law, we would break all the time, we must learn to other cultures to accept the law issued by the goverment.
Mechatronics-Texting and walking made illegal
Allan Donado Balza | 21.02.2013
I think all of you are right. initially having a cell phone was considered a luxurious, eventually it become something necessary to keep in touch with friends and fammily and nowadays with the technological evolutions, it have become a vice due to the different applications inside it, which make us stay online all the time and that could make us lose track of time,cause us some accident even we couldn't see a bear lumbering down the street towards us hahahaha... However I think the laws to ban texting while walking wouldn't work in all countries. It could work in coutries such as the United States or United Kingdom, not in latin american countries especially here in colombia where laws are broken by the same politicians who make it. Furthermore here it wouldn't be necessary to keep our cell phones saved, because if you just answer a call, a thief could steal it. the here is not very common to see someone with his expensive cellphone chatting on the street causing accidents.
Re: Mechatronics-Texting and walking made illegal
allan, I agree with you and I think the people must respect the law and they don't send texting while walking in all countries.
Re: Mechatronics-Texting and walking made illegal
Briner ramirez | 22.02.2013
Allan, you're right, that could only be possible in those places. If we look at Colombia, get a cell phone on the street is not very safe for the risks to be get robbed.
Texting and walking made illegal
Mechatronics- fernando Angulo | 21.02.2013
Just like my classmates i think that, write text message while we walk is very dangerous, as well as when we drive drunk, because we are not aware of the potential dangers that could occur.
This problem initially, was only present in young people, but is becoming more common to all ages.
Today, we can see many people send text message in any place. while they drive vehicles, even bikes or bicycles.
Mechatronics-Texting and walking made illegal
Briner ramirez | 21.02.2013
if it has become a very common problem, and this was implemented so that helps reduce levels of accidents, not a bad idea.
Although in my opinion, that depend on the thinking of every person, we must take precautions always. For our safety.
Mechatronics Enginer -Texting and walking made illegal
Loreine Calderon | 21.02.2013
I agree with my colleagues, we shouldn't put in risk our lives, much less cause accidents, that are caused peoples recklessness
Re: Mechatronics Enginer -Texting and walking made illegal
Guillermo Castañeda | 21.02.2013
Jeason I agree and I think you do not need a law to avoid using cell while walking on the streets.
but bear in mind that this new technology has allowed us to be closer to our friends and the people we love.
if I agree that we must be very careful when talking in this way and more when we walk down the street in order to prevent meet with an accident
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